
Statistical analysis

Survival analyses

You may need to estimate expected duration of time before a patient experiences a predefined clinical event, such as hospitalisation or disease progression. We work with you to plan and execute the most appropriate types of survival analysis based on your data and analysis objectives.

Network meta-analyses

Your development of a new drug or device may hinge on answers that cannot be found directly in the literature. We can help you make the most of the relevant evidence by conducting network meta-analyses (also known as indirect treatment comparisons or multiple treatment comparisons). We have gained a reputation as industry leaders in our rigorous and innovative approach, publishing several highly cited studies and garnering special recognition from bodies such as the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes.

Regression analyses

Whether the challenge involves simple or multiple linear regression or repeated-measures mixed models, we have extensive experience in developing regression models for use in clinical studies and health economic assessment.

Other services include:
  • Missing data imputation
  • Propensity score matching
  • Statistical testing
Validating comparisons of disease treatments in the absence of head-to-head trials
Neurology & mental health
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of a medical device
Rare diseases
Gaining reimbursement for a drug targeting a rare disease
Cardiometabolic health
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of a diagnostic device
Policy and methods
Developing a framework for analysing the impact of patient-centred outcomes for achieving reimbursement in the UK
Modelling survival after the clinical trials have ended
Overcoming limited evidence to gain reimbursement for a blockbuster oncology drug
Overcoming the short-term bias in clinical evidence to compare long-term efficacy of psoriasis treatments

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This is a testimonial. This is a testimonial. This is a testimonial. This is a testimonial. This is a testimonial.
This is a testimonial. This is a testimonial. This is a testimonial. This is a testimonial. This is a testimonial.
“The team went above and beyond our expectations for our project. We were grateful that Symmetron was able to meet our deadlines, and to deliver a very large volume of work”
“One of the most efficient partnerships I’ve had with an external group.”
“Symmetron has expertise in all areas, including project management, SLRs, NMAs, economic modelling and a good relationship with the medical writer.”
“Our expectations were met, and the project was handled at the highest level."
Validating comparisons of disease treatments in the absence of head-to-head trials
Validating comparisons of disease treatments in the absence of head-to-head trials
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of a medical device
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of a medical device
Gaining reimbursement for a drug targeting a rare disease
Gaining reimbursement for a drug targeting a rare disease
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of a diagnostic device
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of a diagnostic device
Developing a framework for analysing the impact of patient-centred outcomes for achieving reimbursement in the UK
Developing a framework for analysing the impact of patient-centred outcomes for achieving reimbursement in the UK
Modelling survival after the clinical trials have ended
Modelling survival after the clinical trials have ended
Overcoming limited evidence to gain reimbursement for a blockbuster oncology drug
Overcoming limited evidence to gain reimbursement for a blockbuster oncology drug
Overcoming the short-term bias in clinical evidence to compare long-term efficacy of psoriasis treatments
Overcoming the short-term bias in clinical evidence to compare long-term efficacy of psoriasis treatments