Evidence development
Systematic reviews
Systematic literature reviews are the foundation of all reimbursement submissions and sound policy decisions. We work with you to identify, evaluate and interpret evidence according to the highest international standards.
Rapid literature reviews
When systematic reviews are impossible because of tight timelines or the structure of the evidence, rapid literature reviews can be a pragmatic way to inform evidence-based decisions. We use diverse methodologies to conduct transparent and replicable reviews that meet your unique requirements and timeframes.
Evidence gap analyses
You may be uncertain where to focus your research and development efforts because you lack a deep understanding of the evidence gaps about safety and efficacy that need to be addressed to the satisfaction of HTA agencies. Drawing on methods from systematic literature reviews and health economic analyses, we can help you identify the research questions and corresponding analyses that will lead you to the story of greatest impact.
- Horizon scanning
- Outcome validation
- Stakeholder analysis
Success Stories
Health economic modelling
Cost-effectiveness models, tailor-made for your market
As the backbone of any reimbursement submission, cost-effectiveness models must reflect perspectives and requirements, costs, and care pathways in each country where you are seeking reimbursement. We specialise in developing robust global models that underpin reimbursement strategy, withstand the test of time and can easily be adapted to local settings. We have decades of experience adapting global models for health technology assessment (HTA) agencies worldwide. Our models impress the toughest review groups with their rigour and transparency.
Early economic evaluations
In the early phases of drug or device development, a preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis is critical for strategic decision-making about whether and how to continue product development. Our early economic models empower you to make important strategic decisions, set research priorities, and demonstrate the maximum value of your product.
Budget impact models
Budget impact models are an essential tool to demonstrate the affordability of your drug or device. We design user-friendly budget impact models for public and private payers in different countries.
- Model validation
- Burden of illness analysis
Success Stories
Health technology assessment
Advisory board management
Advisory boards allow you to gain independent critical feedback from world-leading clinicians and experts in health economics and outcomes research (HEOR). We draw on our extensive network of experts to recruit insightful and well-balanced advisory boards. We facilitate their discussions to ensure convergence into productive deliverables to inform your strategy.
Value and reimbursement strategies
Identifying value requires a deep understanding of HEOR, which is why we combine extensive technical skills with a creative problem-solving approach to craft a powerful narrative about the value of your product. Strategic insight requires a comprehensive understanding of stakeholder objectives, which is why we elicit and synthesise expertise from across the full range of HEOR stakeholders, allowing us to follow a thorough, strategic approach.
Reimbursement submissions (rapid delivery)
A high-quality reimbursement submission is key to securing market access. Our deep understanding of how HTA bodies make decisions helps us prepare successful submissions that transform a complex evidence base into a rigorous cost-effectiveness model and a compelling narrative.
Success Stories
Statistical analysis
Survival analyses
You may need to estimate expected duration of time before a patient experiences a predefined clinical event, such as hospitalisation or disease progression. We work with you to plan and execute the most appropriate types of survival analysis based on your data and analysis objectives.
Network meta-analyses
Your development of a new drug or device may hinge on answers that cannot be found directly in the literature. We can help you make the most of the relevant evidence by conducting network meta-analyses (also known as indirect treatment comparisons or multiple treatment comparisons). We have gained a reputation as industry leaders in our rigorous and innovative approach, publishing several highly cited studies and garnering special recognition from bodies such as the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes.
Regression analyses
Whether the challenge involves simple or multiple linear regression or repeated-measures mixed models, we have extensive experience in developing regression models for use in clinical studies and health economic assessment.
- Missing data imputation
- Propensity score matching
- Statistical testing
Success Stories
Medical writing
Research publications
Data on health economics and outcomes are complex to analyse and apply. We specialise in designing, performing and communicating these analyses with clarity and impact. We have a strong track record of abstracts and posters, many of which have garnered industry awards.
HTA submissions
We prepare submissions that meet the constantly evolving requirements of global regulators, whose decision-making calculus we intimately understand. We ensure the success of your drug or device after all the time and money you have invested.
White papers and strategy
HEOR data are an increasingly important component of market access strategies. We work with you to prepare the internal strategy documents critical for helping your market access team make informed decisions, such as storyboards for product launches as well as analyses of patient-reported outcomes or other HTA assessment practices that sharpen your messaging. You can feel confident in our guidance because of our exceptional track record with successful HTA submissions and reimbursement strategies.
- Editorial support
- Advisory board material development
Success Stories
Training and workshops
Bespoke training
We work with clients to design training sessions and materials that cater to their needs and build capacity within their teams. Our training can cover a range of topics, including:
- Applying technical HEOR techniques
- Achieving reimbursement
- Managing successful HTA projects
- Publishing high-impact research
From convening advisory boards to leading strategy discussions, we can leverage our network of HEOR experts, navigate regulatory requirements, and facilitate your team’s interactions in the most efficient way to generate insights for your critical decision-making. We ensure that insights are recorded and shared appropriately, and we can help you reflect on the entire process to maximise return on your time investment.
Success Stories
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